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- AFL Uniforms
- AFL Uniform is worn by players of rugby union or rugby league. All AFL players are required to wear scrum shorts. These are short, stiff shorts that are a part of their uniform. The shorts are more durable, but less stretchy compared to football shorts. Their stiffness means that they can withstand the wear and tear associated with grabbing and…
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- AFL Uniforms
- AFL Uniform is worn by players of rugby union or rugby league. All AFL players are required to wear scrum shorts. These are short, stiff shorts that are a part of their uniform. The shorts are more durable, but less stretchy compared to football shorts. Their stiffness means that they can withstand the wear and tear associated with grabbing and…
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- AFL Uniforms
- AFL Uniform is worn by players of rugby union or rugby league. All AFL players are required to wear scrum shorts. These are short, stiff shorts that are a part of their uniform. The shorts are more durable, but less stretchy compared to football shorts. Their stiffness means that they can withstand the wear and tear associated with grabbing and…
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- AFL Uniforms
- AFL Uniform is worn by players of rugby union or rugby league. All AFL players are required to wear scrum shorts. These are short, stiff shorts that are a part of their uniform. The shorts are more durable, but less stretchy compared to football shorts. Their stiffness means that they can withstand the wear and tear associated with grabbing and…
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- AFL Uniforms
- AFL Uniform is worn by players of rugby union or rugby league. All AFL players are required to wear scrum shorts. These are short, stiff shorts that are a part of their uniform. The shorts are more durable, but less stretchy compared to football shorts. Their stiffness means that they can withstand the wear and tear associated with grabbing and…
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- AFL Uniforms
- AFL Uniform is worn by players of rugby union or rugby league. All AFL players are required to wear scrum shorts. These are short, stiff shorts that are a part of their uniform. The shorts are more durable, but less stretchy compared to football shorts. Their stiffness means that they can withstand the wear and tear associated with grabbing and…
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- AFL Uniforms
- AFL Uniform is worn by players of rugby union or rugby league. All AFL players are required to wear scrum shorts. These are short, stiff shorts that are a part of their uniform. The shorts are more durable, but less stretchy compared to football shorts. Their stiffness means that they can withstand the wear and tear associated with grabbing and…
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- AFL Uniforms
- AFL Uniform is worn by players of rugby union or rugby league. All AFL players are required to wear scrum shorts. These are short, stiff shorts that are a part of their uniform. The shorts are more durable, but less stretchy compared to football shorts. Their stiffness means that they can withstand the wear and tear associated with grabbing and…
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- AFL Uniforms
- AFL Uniform is worn by players of rugby union or rugby league. All AFL players are required to wear scrum shorts. These are short, stiff shorts that are a part of their uniform. The shorts are more durable, but less stretchy compared to football shorts. Their stiffness means that they can withstand the wear and tear associated with grabbing and…
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- AFL Uniforms
- AFL Uniform is worn by players of rugby union or rugby league. All AFL players are required to wear scrum shorts. These are short, stiff shorts that are a part of their uniform. The shorts are more durable, but less stretchy compared to football shorts. Their stiffness means that they can withstand the wear and tear associated with grabbing and…
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